
Is there any table where the set of .csv files' fields are explained? I checked the Table 4.1 from VOSON guide and there are not all the fields that one can find in a the  Voson Analysis Data set .csv file

That is the case for instace of [links_from_ids] [links_to_ids]. In relation to these two fields I would like to know which of the "ids" do they refer to? Do they refer to links from/to "page ids" or "grouppage ids"? It is not clear to me at all.

Thank you !!!


  • anon

    Thanks for your question!

    If you are referring to exporting (as csv format) a voson-analysis database , then "ids" refers to pagegroup id numbers.

    The field "links_from_ids" contains the OUTBOUND edges i.e. the ids of pagegroups (typically, websites) which this pagegroup links to.

    The field "links_to_ids" contains the INBOUND edges i.e. the ids of pagegroups which link to this pagegroup.

    I hope this helps.


    Mar 10, 2015