Unfortunately the VOSON+Twitter extension has been suspended due to renewal issues with our firehose data provider (GNIP). Please contact us for further information regarding when VOSON+Twitter may become available in the future.

VOSON+Twitter adds the capability to create social networks from Twitter social media data. With a VOSON subscription or plan that includes Twitter, you can create a tailored collection of Twitter tweets, replies and retweets from Twitter's real-time stream. VOSON uses the collected data to create up to three different kinds of networks: a reply network, where an edge denotes a user's reply to another user; a mention network, where an edge denotes a user's mention of another user; and a retweet network, where an edge denotes a user's retweet (direct or quoted) of another user. VOSON+Twitter is available at the Professional or Premium Service Levels, either as a subscription or a single plan.

Currently (June, 2017) VOSON+Twitter lets you search over the real-time stream of every incoming tweet during your scheduled time period. VOSON interfaces with GNIP, the official enterprise API platform of Twitter. This provides a significant increase in available tweets relative to Twitter's Free Streaming API, which is sampled.

Creating a database begins by scheduling a collection of tweets. From the VOSON UI, you can schedule a collection based upon a set of search criteria you specify. You schedule a collection by specifying a start date and time and an end date and time for your collection. VOSON will automatically begin your collection at the specified start time, and end the collection at the end time. Your collection begin as soon as half an hour from the time you enter your search criteria, and the minimum collection time is 15 minutes.

After you've scheduled a Twitter collection, VOSON will provide you with a series of e-mail notifications at each step. First, VOSON will let you know when the scheduled collection has commenced, and then again when the scheduled collection has completed. Finally, you'll be informed when the database has been created from your collected data. The database will be available in VOSON's 'Show databases' window, and you'll be ready to use VOSON to analyse your Twitter network!

All VOSON+Twitter plans have an additional allocation of VAU, which is on top of the standard allocation of an equivalent VOSON without Twitter plan. For example, if you have a service level of Professional on a subscription, then you receive 40% more VAU per month than the Professional subscription without Twitter.

VOSON+Twitter Professional provides the same benefits as a VOSON Professional Tier, but with an increased VOSON Activity Unit (VAU) allocation of 700 VAU/month instead of 500 VAU/month. As with VOSON Professional, you also receive access to VOSON using the latest graphical user interface, which is supported in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari (Desktop and Mobile). Your account can have a maximum of 50 databases, and web (hyperlink) crawls are given a higher priority than Free Tier crawls. Support questions may be posted in the Community Forum.

VOSON+Twitter Premium provides the same benefits as a VOSON Premium Tier, but with an increased VOSON Activity Unit (VAU) allocation of 7000 VAU/month instead of 5000 VAU/month. As with VOSON Premium, you also receive access to VOSON using the latest graphical user interface, which is supported in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari (Desktop and Mobile). Your account can have a maximum of 100 databases, there is dedicated e-mail support, and web (hyperlink) crawls are given the highest priority (over both Professional and Free Tier crawls).

Yes! VOSON+Twitter Single Plans at the Professional or Premium service levels are available for purchase for one, three or six month durations. They provide all of the benefits of the equivalent VOSON+Twitter subscription plans, including the higher VAU allocation, over the selected Plan duration. You can find out more about Single Plans here.

We consider it very important to be able to help researchers at the undergraduate, graduate, and post-doc levels perform sophisticated data collection and analysis using VOSON. So we're very happy to provide a Student subscription to VOSON+Twitter. This annual subscription provides all of the benefits of a standard Student subscription, but with an increased VAU and the ability to create databases at the VOSON+Twitter Professional Service Level. You can find out more about Student subscriptions from the VOSON Subscriptions FAQ page.

VOSON+Twitter includes the following features:

The Databrowser displays Twitter-specific data, such as Twitter handle, country locations (where available), number of followers/friends, Tweet payload etc.
Network analysis
Visualize networks based on reply, mention or retweet ties.
Text analysis
Frequency analysis of words and wordpairs from Tweet payloads, and visualization of word relationships via Concept Maps.