#ica17 Twitter networks

A few days ahead of the launch of VOSON 2.5 --a major upgrade including an extension to Twitter collection and analysis- we scheduled a Twitter collection covering the stream of all Tweets containing the ICA's Conference official hashtag: #ica17. The collection was scheduled to fully cover the conference (May 26-29, 2017). Pre and Post conference sessions were not included in this collection. During that time, 9,589 Twitter activities were collected resulting in a network of 3,047 Twitter users, where a user is a Twitter handle who either had at least one activity (Tweet, Retweet, Reply, Quoted Tweet, etc.), or was mentioned in at least one such matching activity. These are three types of networks that VOSON 2.5 generates: Mention network : 12,301 edges. Node size reflects indegree; node color, modularity cluster. Reply network : 222 edges. Node size reflects indegree; node color, modularity cluster. Retweet network: 5,020 edges. Node size reflects indegree; node color, modularity cluster.

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