
I would like to know why  VOSON Analysis Database only provides with  links_from_weights column and not links_to_weights.

In order to work with weighted networks it is crucial to have both parameters for each type of links (in and out)


  • anon


    As mentioned in my other post, the field links_from_ids contains the (comma separated) ids of pagegroups that this pagegroup links to (outbound edges) and links_to_ids contains the (comma separated) ids of pagegroups that link to this pagegroup (inbound edges).

    The field links_from_weights contains the weights matching links_from_ids.  That is, if links_from_ids shows that pagegroup i links to pagegroup j, then the weight of that edge (number of pages in pagegroup i that link to pagegroup j) can be found by the corresponding position in the links_from_weights field.

    Since links_to_ids can be constructed from links_from_ids (if i has outbound link to j, then j must have an inbound link from i), we only provide links_to_ids as a convenience field since it speeds up the computation of e.g. node indegree, which is also provided in the data structure and in the DataBrowser.

    In the same way links_to_weights should be able to be constructed from links_from_ids  and links_from_weights.

    To date, we (Uberlink) haven't had a need to for links_to_weights and so that is why we do not compute it and provide it in the data structure.

    So I recommend that you construct this yourself after you have exported to third-party analysis software.

    I hope this helps and please post again if further clarification required.



    Mar 10, 2015