Uberlink CTO gives keynote on Cryptoeconomics

Dr Jamsheed Shorish, Uberlink CTO based in Belgium, and Dr Shermin Voshmgir were keynote speakers at Crypto Monday #1 at Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Viena University of Economics and Business).

The presentation titled: Introduction to Cryptoeconomics: What is it and why should I care? covered a new type of economy emerging around the Blockchain technology. While understanding that digital currencies, such as Bitcoin are also impacting people as incentives to do things, the keynote unveils the potential of how these mechanisms can be used, for example, to encourage people to reduce CO2 emission by walking instead of taking the car, to plant trees instead of cutting them, etc.

The presentation took place on March 19, 2018 and it is available via Youtube in this LINK.

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