The Uberlink team gathers in Canberra
The internet has reduced distances, by enabling instant access to information and communications, creating a shift from traditional workspaces towards online based working environments. And this is how our team works, with Rob Ackland (Uberlink CEO) and Francisca Borquez (Communications, Research, Business Development) based in Australia and Jamsheed Shorish (Uberlink CTO) based in Belgium. We co-worked extensively together using various platforms like Basecamp, Google apps, Skype, etc. (after all, we are a tech company!), while arranging the space to "meet" contemplating time differences and commitments.
With Jamsheed's visit to Canberra last April, all of us were able to be at the same time at the same place. It was a great time to discuss not only about the future of Uberlink but also to spend some quality time together, drink coffee and eat nice food.
Here is a photo of the Uberlink team, at the ANU School of Sociology. Synchrony is not just about time and space, it's about focus.