VOSON 2.5 pre-launch demonstration at ICA 2017 conference
A few days before the opening of the ICA's 67th annual conference, we would like to announce that Dr. Rob Ackland will be presenting the soon-to-be-released version of VOSON: interface 2.5, which is a major improvement to the current interface (2.0). The interactive software demonstration will cover diverse features including the all-new feature: Twitter collection. SocialMediaLab, R package for social media data collection developed at the VOSON Lab (Australian National University), will also be presented.
The "New Software and Tools for Analyzing Communication" paper session is run by the ICA computational methods interest group and it will take place on May 26, 2017 from 2:00pm to 3:15pm. The 2017 ICA conference will be held on May 26-29, 2017 in San Diego, U.S. Find the program here.