VOSON 2.5 is the latest update to VOSON, which includes new features, user interface and performance improvements, and a more streamlined workflow for both Hyperlink and (new!) Twitter networks. A summary page describing what's new with VOSON 2.5 is available.

Yes--there are differences between how you've used VOSON in the past and how VOSON 2.5 is used. But these differences are designed precisely to make life easier for the user, as the following FAQ items will make clear.

In VOSON 2.5 there is no longer a distinction between voson databases and voson analysis databases--there is only one database associated with a particular database name. When you create a database, it will either be a voson www-hyperlink database (the type of database created in VOSON 2.0 from crawling the web) or a database, created by collecting real-time Twitter data.

Having two databases made it difficult to select and work with the proper database reflecting the user's wishes. In addition, the underlying database storage mechanism prevented the user from naming databases with longer, more descriptive names, or with non-Latin, Unicode characters. By removing the voson and voson-analysis database distinction, it became possible to allow the user to name a database pretty much whatever they'd like the database to be called.

In general, you use a database in the same way as you've previously used a voson www-hyperlink database. The main differences between the two are:

  • databases have different column (field) names in the DataBrowser, corresponding to the different data types in Twitter.
  • databases have three different edge types: "mention" (where an edge between @user1 and @user2 is a mention between users), "reply" (where an edge exists if e.g. @user1 replies to @user2), and "retweet" (where an edge exists if e.g. @user1 retweets/quote tweets @user2). By contrast, voson www-hyperlink databases have their existing edge types, 'hyperlink' and 'reciprocating-hyperlink'.
  • Of course, the data sources are different between and voson www-hyperlink databases, and so the workflow for creating a database will be different. There is more information available on the VOSON with Twitter workflow in the VOSON with Twitter FAQ area.

The VOSON Services page has links to additional documentation, including the updated version of the User Guide, which should be the first place to look for more specific changes in workflow (both for and www-hyperlink databases). In addition, you can find out more information about the VOSON+Twitter Service Level (which is required in order to schedule and use databases) from the >a href="http://uberlink.com/faq/voson-twitter-faq">VOSON+Twitter FAQ page.

VOSON 2.5 includes many of the following advantages over previous versions of VOSON:

One database for all actions
As discussed above, there is no longer a distinction between voson and voson-analysis databases, making VOSON easier and more efficient to use.
Database schema
Modifications to networks, such as changes to edge type and node pre-processing, are much easier via the Database Schema page and database refresh feature.
More flexibility with database naming
Database names can be longer and can contain special characters and Unicode text.
All VOSON 2.0 features are still available!
VOSON features such as network export, node pre-process tools, analysis tools (e.g. crosstabs, network maps and SNA) are all in VOSON 2.5.