Big data analysis for social scientists
Rob Ackland and Timothy Graham (University of Queensland) ran a five-day course on Social Media Analysis at the ACSPRI Winter Program, University of Queensland.
Rob Ackland and Timothy Graham (University of Queensland) ran a five-day course on Social Media Analysis at the ACSPRI Winter Program, University of Queensland.
Rob Ackland, Tai-Quan Peng (Nanyang Technological University) and Jonathan Zhu (City University of Hong Kong) moderated the discussion panel: "Computational Methods for Communication Research: What, Why and How?" at the 2016 International Communication Association's conference in Fukuoka, Japan.
Rob Ackland was invited to participate in the 2016 CityU Workshop on Computational Approaches to Big Data in the Social Sciences and Humanities, event organised by the City University of Hong Kong and the Web mining lab.
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During his visit to Quello Center (Michigan State University) in early May, Rob Ackland presented on social media and development at a Quello seminar.